Like so many of us this last year we stayed home hoping this virus would pass by but as we all know especially those of us that live in the West it looks like it is going to stay (politically). We haven't been able to travel out side of the country for 2 years now. 2 years ago we were in Panama for our 4th time for a month. Last year February 2020 we purchased our new home right in time for lockdowns. And this year we bought a Motor Coach so we can travel without any hinderances. We are really excited to travel America we have only been to a few states so seeing the rest of the country will be fun. We took 2 weeks in Indo California to enjoy the sun and blue skies. It seems the older we get the more the sun we want and the grey skies of Oregon get us down at this time of year. We stayed in Las Vegas for a week a couple of weeks ago and are planning our next adventure soon.
We do hope to be able to travel to the Central Americas in the near future. There are just so many steps you have to take now to enter into different countries. So once I get all the information on traveling outside the US I will let you know how to do it. But for now we are happy we have a new set of wheels and a home we can travel in. We stayed at a lovely Motor Coach Resort in Indo. I had no idea that there would be such beautiful resorts for Motor Coaches. The people that live here in this resort are all so friendly and made us feel right at home.
This is my first post in a while so stay tuned as I do hope to share with all of you our travels as we Chase The Sun.
